We aim to remove, reduce and prevent any barriers to access for people who complain to us.
When we look at complaints, we must remain independent and we cannot act as an advocate for you.
However, it may be that you need help in making your complaint. For this reason, we have gathered details of some organisations that can offer advice and advocacy support.
To see the list, click here.
We will do our best to help, as long as what you need is reasonable and proportionate.
When you contact us, it will always be helpful if you let us know about your needs and / or if you can suggest what support would work for you.
Your situation may change over time. If that happens, please let us know. We may also ask you about your needs as we look at your complaint.
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For a broad overview of support that we can offer, see this leaflet: How we can help you to use our service
Below, there are some examples of how we can help you:
I am deaf or have hearing impairment
You can use our free SignVideo interpreting service to talk to us (available from 10am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-4pm, Monday to Friday).
Before you can use SignVideo BSL Live please ensure you meet these basic requirements:
If this is the first time you’ve used this service, you will need to download a one-off Live plug-in. This is special software that ensures the video quality is good and your call is secure
Click here to connect to SignVideo. Once you are connected to a SignVideo interpreter tell them you are calling the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. You will then be connected and can start your conversation in BSL.
In addition, ReachDeck toolbar on our website allows you to instantly convert online content to audio on our website. You can find the toolbar along the stripe at the top of the website.
I am blind or have sight impairment
You do not have to fill in forms – you can complain to us over the phone. You can find more details about that process here. We can also arrange to speak to you over the phone when we consider your complaint.
We can also send you information in Braille, large print or on different coloured background.
Our website includes many options to help you browse through the content if you are blind or have sight impairment. You can find more details on the Accessibility page (click here).
I am neurodivergent
We can support people with a range of conditions!
For example, if you are dyslexic, you do not have to fill in forms – you can complain to us over the phone. You can find more details about that process here. We can also arrange to speak to you over the phone when we consider your complaint.
Many of our documents are available in Easy Read format, for example our
We are certified as an Autism Aware Employer. Everyone in our organisation receives autism awareness training so that they can support you better. One member of our staff is also our designated Autism Champion, and they can offer advice on how best we can support you.
We may be able to
I have a learning disability
Many of our documents are available in Easy Read format, for example our
We can translate other documents into Easy Read format, if needed.
I don’t speak Welsh or English fluently
We can support you if you want to use another language when communicating with us.
Along the stripe at the top of the website, click on ‘Language’ and select your language. You can also use this option to translate our online complaints form here.
We can also translate the documents that we send you or arrange an interpreter when you speak with us.
Many of our documents are available in Easy Read format, for example our
We can translate other documents into Easy Read format, if needed.