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Other: Swansea Council

Report date





Early resolution

Case ref number


Report type

Early resolution

Relevant body

Swansea Council

Mr A complained that the Council had agreed to repair his drive because of damage caused by the roots of a tree growing on Council land. There had been a considerable delay on the part of the Council in arranging and undertaking this work.
The Ombudsman was concerned about the delay in the Council undertaking the necessary remedial works. The delay amounted to maladministration and was an injustice to Mr A.
To resolve this complaint, the Council agreed to apologise to Mr A, within 1 month, for the delay in addressing the matter and arranging for the necessary works to be done. It also agreed to commence the necessary works within 1 month (and to inform Mr A when a commencement date had been established) and to complete the works within 1 month of the commencement date.
