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Housing : North Wales Housing

Report date





Upheld in whole or in part

Case ref number


Report type

Complaint investigation discontinued (without settlement)

Relevant body

North Wales Housing

Mr A complained about the manner in which North Wales Housing (NWH) dealt with his complaints of antisocial behaviour (ASB) against his neighbour. This included an allegation of hate crime.

Having investigated the complaint, the Ombudsman found that there had been an initial delay in responding appropriately to Mr A to acknowledge his concerns and keep him updated about the action that was being taken. This had understandably resulted in Mr A feeling that his complaints had not been taken seriously and properly investigated. However, there was evidence that NWH had investigated the complaints by visiting the property and working jointly with officers at North Wales Police and the Council. NWH considered both non-legal and legal remedies to address the issues raised.

The Ombudsman found no evidence of maladministration in how NWH decided what action it was able to take, based on the evidence that had been gathered. She also noted that frontline housing staff had undergone hate crime training. In addition, there had been no reports of ASB in relation to the property in the previous 12 months. Given the above, the Ombudsman decided that nothing further would be gained by continuing her investigation.
