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Clinical treatment outside hospital; GP : A Medical Practice in the area of Hywel Dda University Health Board

Report date



Clinical treatment outside hospital; GP


Early resolution

Case ref number


Report type

Early resolution

Relevant body

A Medical Practice in the area of Hywel Dda University Health Board

Mr S complained that the Surgery de-registered him from the practice due to him submitting a complaint. He further complained that despite him submitting his complaints, he had not received a full response.

The Ombudsman was concerned that Mr S had not yet received a response to his concerns and therefore contacted the Surgery. As an alternative to an investigation, the Surgery agreed that it would write to Mr S and apologise for the concerns raised within 20 working days of the Ombudsman’s decision letter. The Surgery also agreed that to resolve the concerns raised by Mr S, it would propose a face-to-face meeting with him to action any concerns that were outstanding. The Ombudsman accepted this as a resolution to Mr S’s complaint.
