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Clinical treatment outside hospital; Dentist : A Dental Practice in the area of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Report date



Clinical treatment outside hospital; Dentist


Upheld in whole or in part

Case ref number


Report type

Non-public interest report issued: complaint upheld

Relevant body

A Dental Practice in the area of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Ms A complained about the Dental Practice’s care and management provided to her mother, Dr A, since October 2020. Ms A said that the Practice unreasonably withdrew services because she complained. Ms A also complained about the Dental Practice’s handling of her complaint.

The Ombudsman found that aspects of the Dental Practices’ care and management were reasonable and appropriate. However, the Ombudsman found that X-rays were not carried out, or that the reasons for not doing so were not documented. This aspect of Ms A’s complaint was upheld. The Ombudsman upheld Ms A’s complaint about the Dental Practice’s complaint handling. The Ombudsman was satisfied that dental services were not withdrawn because Dr A complained. This aspect of the complaint was not upheld.

The Dental Practice agreed to implement the Ombudsman’s recommendations and apologise to Ms A and Dr A for the identified shortcomings, to review its complaints handling to ensure compliance with the accepted complaints handling process and to review guidance relating to the frequency of X-rays for patients with differing levels of risk as part of the dentists continuing professional development.
