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Clinical treatment in hospital: Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Report date



Clinical treatment in hospital


Early resolution

Case ref number


Report type

Early resolution

Relevant body

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Ms X complained that Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s (“the Health Board’s”) complaint response did not answer her concerns about her father’s care and treatment in the Integrated Assessment and Care Unit (“the IACU”).

The Ombudsman decided that although the Health Board informed Ms X that her concerns were being investigated and it apologised for the delay, its complaint response was a general explanation of how the IACU operates. It did not address Ms X’s specific concerns about her father’s care and treatment. The Ombudsman decided to settle the complaint without an investigation.

The Ombudsman sought and gained the Health Board’s agreement to apologise to Ms X, clarify her concerns and agree to investigate in line with the NHS complaints procedure within 10 working days.
