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Clinical treatment in hospital : Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Report date



Clinical treatment in hospital


Early resolution

Case ref number


Report type

Early resolution

Relevant body

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Miss A complained to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (“the Health Board”) about the failure to communicate the results of genetic testing to her local Health Board. She also complained about the fact that she had contacted its Patient Advice and Liaison Service (“PALS”) team about this issue on numerous occasions, but no one returned her calls.

The Ombudsman found that the Health Board had sent Miss A’s test results to her local Health Board via post. She considered that there may be a more reliable, expedient and secure way of electronically communicating test results. Further, she found that Miss A’s complaint submission to the Health Board did not specifically reference her contact attempts being made with the PALS team, and so this may not have been clear to the Health Board when investigating her complaint.

The Ombudsman contacted the Health Board. In respect of the communication of test results, it confirmed that a new information management system had already been purchased, and was in the process of being implemented, meaning that genetic reports would be shared seamlessly and instantaneously with other clinical systems across Wales. The Ombudsman was satisfied with this, and did not feel further intervention was required. In respect of Miss A’s contact with the PALS team, the Health Board agreed to provide a further written response to her, specifically addressing this issue, within 20 working days.
