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Clinical treatment in hospital : Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Report date



Clinical treatment in hospital


Voluntary settlement

Case ref number


Report type

Voluntary settlement

Relevant body

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

An investigation was commenced against the Health Board after the Ombudsman received a complaint from Mr X regarding the care and treatment provided to his late father by the Health Board.

The Ombudsman was concerned that the Health Board’s response to the investigation accepted failings that were not acknowledged in its original complaint response. In light of this, the Health Board agreed to the following actions in settlement of this complaint:

Within 31 working days

a) Provide an apology to Mr X for the failure in the original investigation to identify the failings now accepted by the Health Board

b) Ensure that the Doctor who undertook the original investigation undertakes reflective learning on the error made in that investigation

c) Make a £500 payment to Mr X for the time, trouble and inconvenience in having to pursue his concerns with both the Health Board and the Ombudsman.

Within 3 months

d) Consider Mr X’s complaint again in a parallel way to the Putting Things Right process (so that any appropriate redress is identified) and inform him of the outcome.
