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Clinical treatment in hospital : Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Report date



Clinical treatment in hospital


Early resolution

Case ref number


Report type

Early resolution

Relevant body

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Mrs A complained about the care given to her late mother, Mrs B, who developed urosepsis while under the care of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (the Health Board). Whilst the Health Board accepted that there was a significant failing of care, meriting redress under the relevant complaint handling regulations, it was subsequently unable to locate a significant section of Mrs B’s medical records. The loss of the records meant that the Ombudsman could not investigate additional aspects of Mrs A’s complaint and, in investigating a further complaint about a separate episode of care, would have limited access to Mrs B’s clinical history.

The Ombudsman decided that it would be appropriate to try settling Ms A’s complaint. The Health Board subsequently agreed to:

  • Provide Mrs A with a fulsome apology for the loss of the records (within 1 month)
  • Make a redress payment to Mrs A in the sum of £1,500 (within 1 month)
  • Provide the Ombudsman with an account of any measures it is considering and/or intending to introduce to prevent loss of records in the future (within 2 months).

The Ombudsman considered that, in the circumstances, the Health Board’s actions were reasonable. Accordingly, he regarded Ms A’s complaint about the loss of records as settled.
