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Ambulance Services: Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

Report date



Ambulance Services


Early resolution

Case ref number


Report type

Early resolution

Relevant body

Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

Mr A complained about the length of time it took an ambulance to arrive after calling 999 and raised concern about information obtained by the Trust’s call takers to determine the call priority.

The Ombudsman found the Trust had responded to Mr A’s initial complaint. However, she was concerned to note he was dissatisfied with the Trust’s explanation about how it prioritises and responds to all emergency calls. The Ombudsman took into account that the Trust’s call handling and priority system is complex and decided it would be helpful for Mr A to receive a further explanation. As an alternative to investigating the complaint, the Ombudsman made a recommendation which the Trust agreed to implement.

The Trust agreed to contact Mr A within 10 working days to arrange a convenient date when a meeting may be convened, to discuss the call handling and priority system.
