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Adult Social Services : Swansea Council

Report date



Adult Social Services


Early resolution

Case ref number


Report type

Early resolution

Relevant body

Swansea Council

Mr B complained about the way Swansea Council was dealing with his Social Services complaint. Mr B said that further to raising a Stage 2 complaint to the Council, it informed him that it did not have an Independent Investigator available, and he would be placed on a waiting list.

The Ombudsman decided that the Council failed to provide regular and meaningful updates to Mr B since informing him he was being placed on a waiting list. She said this caused frustration and uncertainty to Mr B. She decided to settle the complaint without an investigation.

The Ombudsman sought and gained the Council’s agreement to provide a written apology and explanation to Mr B for the failure to provide regular and meaningful updates within 2 weeks and commit to doing to until an Independent Investigator is appointed.
