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We are seeking to appoint Independent Member(s) to join our Audit & Risk Assurance Committee or Advisory Panel.

These are key appointments to underpin our excellent governance.

About the role

You must be committed to providing quality public services and be able to support and challenge the Ombudsman.

You should be able to evidence your ability to influence and engage with organisations at a senior level to promote positive change.

You should have good communication and interpersonal skills and ability to interpret complex data. You should have a good understanding of the Welsh public sector and it would also be desirable for you to have some understanding of the role of the Ombudsman.

We are especially interested in hearing from you if you have expertise in the following fields:

  • health services
  • cybersecurity
  • ICT – digital
  • equality, diversity and inclusion.

The ARAC and the Panel meet four times a year.  Members are paid a daily rate of £300, with additional remuneration for training attended outside the scheduled meeting dates.

When you apply, please make it clear which role you are interested in.

Watch a video about the role here.

Closing date

You must apply by midday on 7 November 2022.  We will not consider applications received after this date.

Unsure whether to apply?

We will be holding informal online sessions to give you an opportunity to better understand the role and our organisation and whether becoming an independent member is for you. To register, please follow the links below:

In addition, if you would like to have an informal conversation with the Ombudsman about the role, please email: or call 01656 644214 and we will get back to you with a suitable date and time.


You can find more details of this role and our recruitment process in the Recruitment Pack.