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Clinical treatment outside hospital; GP: A GP Practice in the area of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Report date



Clinical treatment outside hospital; GP


Upheld in whole or in part

Case ref number


Report type

Non-public interest report issued: complaint upheld

Relevant body

A GP Practice in the area of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Ms A complained that on 9 January 2023, the Practice failed to carry out a same day home visit at her father’s home. She also complained that it failed to arrange an immediate admission to hospital following the home visit on 12 January.

The Ombudsman found no shortcomings in the management of the telephone consultation undertaken on 9 January. However, she found there ought to have been more clarity and better record keeping of the admission arrangements on 12 January. The complaint was partly upheld.

The Practice provided evidence that it had acted to improve its standard of record keeping. Based on the action already taken, the Ombudsman recommended that the Practice should, within one month, provide a formal apology to Ms A and her family for the lack of clarity around the admission arrangements and poor standard of contemporaneous record keeping. The Practice agreed to implement the recommendation.
